Laminated Glass and Tempered Glass

Large doors and windows are essential and valuable from am aesthetic point of view, especially for commercial buildings and modern homes. One of the most important criteria for the glass that is used for these buildings is to me more solid and safe. – Tempering – so that the glass reflects the beauty of the building and maintains its safety.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glass consists of two pieces of glass, between which is a layer of transparent plastic heated under high pressure. Stronger laminated glass can be made by adding more layers.

The idea of developing laminated glass was originally related to its use in the windshield of the car in order to reduce the injuries in the victims of car accidents. When one of the sides of the glass is exposed to a shock, only this side will be shattered, not the entire glass also, minor damage resulting from shocks in laminated glass can be repaired using adhesive resin especially transparent, this type of glass is considered to insulate high – frequency sounds and also blocks 97% of ultraviolet rays.

Laminated glass uses

  • In many locations, especially windows of tall buildings.
  • House: balconies and frameless glass railings.
  • Car windshield.
  • Outside commercial buildings, where sound levels are very high surrounding them

Tempered Glass

A piece of glass that is heated and cooled at a high speed causing the outer surface of the glass to harden faster, making it much stronger and more durable than untampered glass, the heating and cooling process is called “tempering” which is where the name of tempered glass comes from.

Tempered glass is very durable. Tempered glass requires a great deal of force to break and if shattered it shatters into a lattice – like interlocking pattern, which is less dangerous than jagged and sharp edges.

  • Cars: windshields, passenger seat windows, and rear windows.
  • Home: refrigerator shelves, shower doors.
  • Bathroom doors and oven doors.

Article written by:
Iman Al Shakileya
Marketing and business development department